Grades 4 & 5 Science and Writing

If you have a student in the fourth or fifth grade, he/she might be interested in our 4/5 Science and Writing course.  The course will have two quarters of science lessons and two quarters of writing. For writing, the homework is encouraged in order to get practice applying what is taught and can be turned into the teacher for encouragement and feedback, but again is not required. The 4/5 classes are not graded. These quarters will give your student a chance to have fun while learning both science and writing in a group setting.  Parents are invited to attend the first session of each quarter with their student(s) as well as the last session to observe their students’ presentations/projects. When possible, we may do a field trip.

4/5 Science:

The goad of this class is to introduce Plant/Animal Science. There will be some hands-on activities as well as an oral presentation at the end of the course.

1st Quarter – Introduction to Plant Science (Botany)(September 11-October 30) [3]

This course will serve as an Introduction to Plant Science. Class time will involve instruction and note-taking as well as projects. A field trip will also be incorporated into the study. Topics to be covered include: Trees; Leaves/Photosynthesis; Flowers; Seeds/Growth; Roots/Stems/Trunks; Big/Little Plants; and Bizarre Plants. Students will complete a Final Presentation to be presented on the final day of class.

2nd Quarter – Introduction to Animals (Zoology) (November 6-January 15, 2024) [1,2]

This course will serve as an Introduction to Animal Science. Class time will involve instruction as well as projects. A field trip will be incorporated into this study. Topics to be covered include: Animal Classification; Anatomy; Mammals; Birds; Fish; Reptiles; Amphibians; Habitats; Food Chains/Webs; and Endangered Animals. A final project presentation of a specific bird will be completed by each student.

4/5 Writing:

The goal of this class will be to help the students begin writing in an encouraging and safe environment. The importance of writing as a form of communication will be reinforced. This course will not be a class on grammar or writing mechanics. The “Institute for Excellence in Writing” (IEW) curriculum will be utilized in the Writing course. Topics to be covered will include Word Outlines; Paragraph Development; Vocabulary Lists; Structure; and Structure and Style incorporation in their writing.

3rd Quarter – “All Things Fun & Fascinating”: (IEW) – Part I –  – (Jan. 29 – Mar. 18) [3]

4th Quarter – “All Things Fun & Fascinating”: (IEW) – Part II –  – (March 25-May 20) [4]

Classes are held at Wilmington Community Evangelical Church on Mondays from 8:10-9:10 a.m.  The cost is $80 per quarter.  Register by calling Towle Institute at (302) 993-1408.
[1] Towle will observe Thanksgiving Break: November 20-20.
[2] Towle will observe Christmas Break: December 18-January 1.  (School will resume Tuesday, Jan. 2).
[3] Please note: There is NOT a break between the two science quarters, nor between the two writing quarters.
[4] Towle will observe Easter Break (beginning with Good Friday): March 29 – April 5.